
Me in front of a grey wall

I’m Klee Schöppl (they/them), a PhD student in Philosophy of Science at the University of Groningen and formerly at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP). I’m funded via the SCOOP program, where I research the epistemic merits and defects of competition in science (project 7.2).

I’m mainly interested in formal epistemology, and especially in the application of computational models to questions in (feminist) social epistemology. I’ve previously completed an MA in Logic & Philosophy of Science at the MCMP and a BA in Philosophy and Computer Science at the University of Regensburg.

You can take a look at my CV for more details, reach out to me via email, or find me on the usual channels: Google Scholar, ORCID, LinkedIn, GitHub, BlueSky & Mastodon.


02/25 My chapter Experimental Philosophy of Connexivity with Niki Pfeifer is out in 60 Years of Connexive Logic, an entry from Hitoshi Omori & Heinrich Wansing in the Trends in Logic book series.

01/25 I’ll be visiting Ruhr University Bochum to present Industry actors influencing science: A NormAN Model at the Formal Models of Scientific Inquiry workshop.

11/24 I’m TAing for Felipe Romero’s course on Methods of Philosophy, Politics and Economics.

10/24 On invitation by Christoph Merdes, I’m visiting the Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics at Jagiellonian University in Kraków to give a colloquium on Formalizing standpoint occupancy: Why, how, and how not to.

07/24 I’m presenting my proceedings paper with Ulrike Hahn on Exploring Effects of Self-Censoring through Agent-Based Simulation at COGSCI in Rotterdam.

06/24 I’m visiting Alexianer Münster to present How (not) to formalize standpoints? at an agent-based modelling workshop organized by Dunja Šešelja and the Simulations of Scientific Inquiry Research Network.

03/24 I’m presenting my joint work with Niki Pfeifer on Checking predictions by connexive logics against experimental data on reasoning at the AILo Colloquium of the Bernoulli Institute Groningen.

01/24 I’m visiting the SOCRATES center at Leibniz Universität Hannover to present Socially situating NormAN: Standpoints in a Bayesian ABM at their Philosophy of Science and the Turn to Society workshop.

12/23 I’m visiting Ruhr Universität Bochum to present on Situated knowledge and standpoints in agent-based simulations at the Computational Models in Social Epistemology workshop.

12/23 I’m starting a new PhD Position in Philosophy of Science at the University of Groningen under the supervision of Jan-Willem Romeijn, Naomi Ellemers and Felipe Romero.

11/23 Our Team NormAN paper introducing A Bayesian Agent-Based Framework for Argument Exchange Across Networks is now available on arXiv.

09/23 I’ll be teaching Bayesian methods as part of Ignacio Ojea’s MCMP course Central Topics in Philosophy of Science.

07/23 With How complexly should we model the reasoning of boundedly rational Bayesian agents? I’m presenting some of the contents of my MA thesis at the London Reasoning workshop at Greenwich University.

04/23 I’ve completed my MA in Logic & Philosophy of Science at the MCMP and will start working on my PhD in formal and feminist epistemology under the supervision of Stephan Hartmann.

02/23 Heading to Ruhr-Universität Bochum to present a section of my MA thesis on Anti-reliability in Laputa: A self-fulfilling prophecy? at the workshop Agent-based models of epistemic communities.

02/23 I’ve submitted my MA thesis on Interpreting and evaluating Bayesian source-reliability models to my supervisors Stephan Hartmann and Hein Duijf.

09/22 I’ll be giving my own reading course for MA students here at LMU on the use of models in feminist social epistemology.

09/22 I’m visiting SOPhiA at Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg to speak about Modelling epistemic violence: How testimonial quieting and smothering undermine collective inquiry.

08/22 Returning to the University of Regensburg to present joint work with Niki Pfeifer on Connexive logic: X-Phi results and coherence-based probability semantics as part of the workshop Reasoning and uncertainty: probabilistic, logical, and psychological perspectives.

07/22 I’m visiting Birkbeck College London to present joint work with Niki Pfeifer on Reasoning About Connexive Principles: An Experimental Study.

10/21 Going to Leibniz Universität Hannover to present Under which conditions can we trust opaque AI? together with Leon Assaad and Björn Plähn at the workshop Bias and Discrimination in Algorithmic Decision Making.

07/21 I’m starting as a research assistant on Niki Pfeifer’s project on reasoning under uncertainty at the University of Regensburg.

04/21 I’ll be TAing for the Introduction to Philosophical Logic course taught by Holger Leuz at the University of Regensburg.